Parishioner Claire McGarry featured in Parable Magazine

St Matthew Church’s own Claire McGarry was featured in the Diocese of Manchester’s award-winning magazine Parable. Her recent book, Grace in Tension: Discover Peace with Martha and Mary, was published by Our Sunday Visitor in 2021. She writes across multiple platforms and has been interviewed and featured on a number of Catholic websites and podcasts.

The Parable article was written by Hannah Beaudry and photographed by Matthew Lomanno (who is also St Matthew’s communication director). You can read the article via the image below or on Parable’s online issue (PDF, pages 14-15)

Follow Claire on Facebook to see her upcoming events, buy her book on OSV or Amazon, and pray that her important work becomes a source of grace for many more.

Parishioner Claire McGarry was featured in Parable magazine’s Sept-Oct 2022 issue. Reprint courtesy of Parable.


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