Meet our Seminarian in Summer Residence

We will welcome Christian Collopy to St. Matthew on June 15 and look forward to him working with us this summer! Learn a little about Christian in his own words:

My name is Christian Collopy. I am 21 years old and I grew up in Rochester NH, where I attended Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Parish. I was homeschooled from third grade to the end of high school. I was a Cub Scout and Boy Scout, earning my Eagle Scout. I also worked at the Cub Scout camp for four summers and the Boy Scout camp for one summer. I ran cross-country in middle school. During high school, I raced for the Spaulding High School ski team. In high school, I was a part of a youth group in Methuen, MA, that I attended every Monday night. I played guitar and bass guitar for their music ministry.

This youth group ran weekend retreats for youth two times a year. I helped run these retreats as a table leader, as a member of the music ministry, and by offering personal witness of my life and faith journey. As a life-long parishioner of Holy Rosary, I have altar served since I received my First Holy Communion and have been altar serving ordinations and other high Masses at the Cathedral of St. Joseph in Manchester since I was twelve or thirteen years-old.

I have been discerning the priesthood since I was about three years old. My calling to the priesthood became real to me when I was about eight years old, and I have been working toward this calling ever since. In September, I will be entering my 4th year of college seminary at Our Lady of Providence Seminary. I study at Providence College, where I am pursuing a bachelor's degree in philosophy. I am very excited to be assigned to St. Matthew’s this summer, and I look forward to meeting all of you and to being a part of your parish community for the summer. You are all in my prayers, and I ask you all to please pray for me as I continue my journey to the priesthood.


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