Upcoming Events by The Apostolate for Holy Relics

The Apostolate for Holy Relics has been engaged in providing presentations on holy relics since 2003. While Relics of the Passion has always been one of their most significant collections, the Apostolate has brought together other collections to commemorate the theme of Holy Years declared by the Holy Father, to support special prayer intentions and educate the faithful regarding special saints or Ecclesiastical feasts.

The Apostolate will be visiting St. Matthew with relics of St. Faustina on June 16 and St. Pio on June 17. Follow the links for more information about the event and the program for the evening.

Please join us for this rare opportunity to learn about and witness to the lives of these saints of the Church!


Meet our Seminarian in Summer Residence


The Importance of Dressing for the Occasion